InstaNet Online Long Distance Request

You may fill out the top form and a representative will fax you the proper forms or call and make other arrangments. You may also fill out the lower form and everything will be taken care of online.

Fax/Callback Information (top half)

Phone Number
Fax Number
Fax Me
Call Me

Online Form (bottom half)

Company Information

Company Name, If Applicable
Contact Name
Address 1
Address 2
City State/Province Zip Code
Phone Number Fax Number
E-Mail Address
Line Information | Auth Code | Comments
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We agree UNIVERSAL PACIFIC will bill us monthly for service rendered and will pay upon receipt within twenty (20) days of invoice in accordance with invoiced terms. If payment is not received within twenty (20) days of invoice, a tariff surcharge of $.01 per minute is applicable. We further agree that UNIVERSAL PACIFIC may obtain information to check credit ratings. All information will be held in strict confidence as provided by law. The Agreement may be terminated at any time by either party by notification in writing unless a term agreement has been signed which supersedes the cancellation clause herein. Interest of 1.5% per month is payable on all balances more than sixty (60) days past due. User is liable for all costs and expenses of collections, including reasonable attorney fees.


(Company Name as it Appears on Bill) hereby authorizes UNIVERSAL PACIFIC to act as our agent in all dealings with any and all operating telephone companies and common carriers necessary for the implementation of communication service. This authorization shall remain in effect until further notification.